A genuine jukebox is a device that plays music from a musical library stored inside the machine. Records, CDs, and much more recently digital media formats can all be used to store this music. In both a domestic and coin-operated setting, jukeboxes play songs that are chosen by pressing a sequence of buttons that identify the album title and song number.

The Coin Mechanism of a Jukebox

Several slots for the various coin sizes are located on the top of the coin grounder. The heart of the coin grinder contains a neoprene rubber disc to which each of these coin slots is connected. A coin enters a circular path when entered, turning on electrical switches. To identify one coin’s value from the others, one, two, or five electrical switches are turned on.

The Record Player

A cardioid cam, selector rod, metal arms, a selection bank coil and a star wheel that has bevelled edges make up the mechanism. As the cam rotates, a compact metal variable component on a rod attached to the selector arm of the cardioid cam rotates, scanning the back of the record disk stack.

The compact metal movable component of the picked record slot is precisely centred by the 24-tooth star wheel. A second cam moves the heavy metal arm, swinging the record outwards into the playing position. The main music record is then raised towards the needle for playback as the turntable rises.

Selecting the Record

The make-selection light turns on after the coin is placed and accepted. All the available music selections are made active by the light and activated by pressing a button. The selection is held down by the spring-loaded rod till the track has finished playing and then moves back to its initial position.

You can play multiple musical selections at once. The cogwheel and coin grinder reset when your record is played, turning out the make selection indicator until you insert another coin into the slot.